John 3:18
Our private car and tour guide was a no show this morning. Having reserved and prepaid for their services months ago you can image how thrilled we were standing around the lobby waiting for our all day tour. The Oberoi's staff tried and tried to get a hold of the tour company and when they finally did, the company said they knew nothing about it. Hello- booking number, copy of the rez-all there. So the Oberoi Front Desk Manager jumped in and gave us a car/driver and his" front door manager" to take us out...we stopped by the Victoria Memorial then he dropped us off at the Greek Orthodox Church to meet Sister Nectaria. What was suppose to be a day of touring Calcutta and a brief meeting with Sister changed dramatically and ended up being one of the best of my life. Yep, you read that right.
Calcutta is among the most densely populated metropolitan areas of the world and faces many problems and needs. In 1993 the Greek Orthodox Church created a Philanthropic Society in Calcutta dedicated to helping those shunned by society: the urban slum people, the uneducated, orphaned, widowed, sick, handicapped and poor rural population. The Society provides a variety of meaningful and effective humanitarian services to these poor souls....nourishment, medicine, shelter and clothing for the needy, homes for orphans, services for the handicapped and more.

We had the opportunity not only to meet the Orthodox Mother Theresa- Sister Nektaria- but we ended up spending the day with her out at her girls and boy orphanages. We met her and Father Andrew at the Greek Orthodox Church where they feed the homeless everyday. These poor souls line up outside of the Church gates daily waiting for food. The neighborhood people appreciate the rice and curry provided for lunch.
and the last "Yia Yia" is fed.
Hey Honey, do you think Father would "renew our vows"?
Buddha Bubs rode shot gun for another death defying ride in India- BEEP BEEP BEEP!
Yes, that is a person sleeping under the garbage under the tree on the main road....Sister said a family lives there and they are called the Tree Family. The poverty is everywhere but Sister said things have and are improving. She has been working in India since 1991. On the drive in from the airport we saw a lot of construction giving evidence to the improvements under way.
Some are lucky enough to live in a shack while we heard there are some 17,000,000 homeless who live on the street throughout India.
Although there are many cars, out in the village (the suburbs of Calcutta) peddle power prevails.
First stop the boys orphanage...
Sister gives us a tour. CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN- the grounds are meticulous, the kitchen is spotless, the floors shine, the boys shine and how does she get them so mannerly???? 35 boys here and capacity to hold more .
Lots of green for the boys to play...the city is so dusty and we have been coughing and blowing on the ride out here. They are taught to be independent, to be creative and to be part of a big family external to that of the orphanage.
Down the road is the girls school and orphanage...
Sister prefers to call the orphanage a "Hostel" so the girls don't have the stigma of Orphanage all their lives. Good point Sister Nektaria. 95 girls live here and I turn away many everyday. Our Home could hold more but our funds are low to take in more at this time.
And again the grounds and buildings are maintained excellently....this one woman show is managing the properties, school master, mother, liaison with the community, bookkeeping and fund raising to name some of her duties. No wonder she only sleeps 4 hours per day. Seriously, old Bocahita could tear it up in her day but is not even in the league of work, organization and can do attitude as the mighty Sister. Wow!
Bocahita is wearing her Nun wannabe outfit and Mother asks if she wants the head covering. She tells her to stay as there is much to do!
The girls start arriving "home" from school. School supplies, study materials and uniforms are given. Eventually Mother would like to have all schooling at the Orphanage as it is expensive to send them out for school. Most of Mother's funding originally came from Greece but with the melt down of the economy most of that money has dried up. Mother is not worried as she knows God will provide. However she did have to hone her skills in fundraising 101.
Ok girls time to change out of your uniforms and have your snack. Studying is from 5-8!!! Oh Sister, how do you manage all of this? How did this happen?
Sister told us she was very influenced by the work of Mother Theresa. Her goal and dream if God's grace was to come to India (from Greece, her birthplace) and help the poor people of India. And for the past 20 years that is just what she has done....
The boys and girls are given complete care where nutritious foods are served 5 times a day. The Menu is spelled out. She changes it up monthly. This is one organized woman.
Mother! Mother! Mother!....yes my children.
Unity, obedience, altruism ad unconditional love are overwhelming values that are so evident here. Some of the precious girls sang for us. Such little song birds.
We also had the bonus opportunity and privilege to meet these lovely ladies from Greece-Mary, Frida and Lida (daughter who lives in Switzerland). Mary and Frida are dentists in Athens and for the past 5 years they come to the orphanage and do dentistry for the children and local people- for a month! Yes, they spend their vacation and money to help these children year after year. I am humbled by their kindness.
Mother had a beautiful luncheon prepared for us. It was a time for fellowship with the Dentists and learn more about the work that is accomplished here at the Orphanage. Bocahita is really getting into the Vegan way of life in India!
AND CHECK OUT THE MOVIE "THE LUCKY GIRLS"-a beautiful short film made by a young lady who was inspired by the work of Sister Nektaria. Amen!
See for yourself what we saw here. As I said earlier this truly was one of the best days of my life. It was amazing what one person and per Mother "the help of God" can accomplish. As you know I have been around many philanthropic and worthy organizations and I have not seen anything quite like this- the organization: precision and love come together in glory to God. I invite you to visit Mother. I know I will be back. If you find it in your heart to make a donation you can be assured each penny is put to good use. Please know her commitment is to the social welfare of these children. She is not what we know as a Missionary. To me she is MOTHER.
Mother Theresa's work continues in India- right here.....