Eat, Pray and Love? Nah, Buddha Bubs and I celebrate our 36th year of wedded bliss this year- more like Eat, Fight it Out and Pray You Don't Kill Each Other. Perhaps we should do another renewal of Vows? The last time we RENEWED was for our 30th- at Kasansky Cathedral in St. Petersburg Russia. Any and all suggestions for a venue over here are welcome. Who's Sari now? Can you see Bocahita and Bubs on a mountain with some goats watching us while we renew? A red dot on Boca's forehead? Ahh, remembering that day in 1976.....
Looking forward to the people we meet along the way, a bit of self-discovery, the power of prayer, getting closer to my inner peace (it's got to be there!) and finally seeing "Freak Street" (Nepal)- missed it in my hippie days, henna-ing something, REAL Indian food, seeing what Bubs is going to do with those 2 "trekking" sticks he dragged along that he bought 5 trips ago and hasn't used...yet. Of course he had to buy yet another pair of hiking boots. Right Bubs- you keep wearing them out in Boca. He only made 15 trips this week to the CVS to prepare for this venture. As you know either he is a drugstore junky or has a girlfriend that works there. The last purchase included a back brace (just in case) and 12 packages of stuff for his corns and bunions. It's not easy being Buddha Bubba....
Remember the last visit to China- Blog Free for Boca-as in not allowing my blog to float around their airwaves- no sense of humor. So not sure when you will get guesses they have the same rules in Tibet....
As Bocahita and Buddha Bubba travel the globe this trip we look forward to learning about the teachings of Buddha, Dalai Lama, Mother Theresa and Ghandi and others. Between Bocahita's Meditation class and Bubba's new found fondness for Yoga (who knew) we invite you along as our worthy travel companion. We look forward to learning more about the work of these lama's and teachers while opening up our minds and hearts to the people of these regions. What is your Karmic Destiny?