Quite clean down this way and I saw my first garbage dump- yea!!
Hey, are those men wearing diapers? No Bocahita those are Dhoti's. Whati's? The traditional mans garment- a piece of unstitched cloth wrapped around them, well, like a diaper. As a matter of fact the VP of Nepal wore his to his swearing in in 2008. No pockets, no undergarments needed....the answer is blowing in the wind.
And you know Buddha Bubs was thrilled to see the Commie Cycle sign...yes they are down here too.
And there is our assistant driver, telling the guy in the white car to put it in reverse so we can make the turn. Now you know why it takes two to drive a bus over here. Hello.
We arrive at the next stop on the banks of the Vembanad Lake in the tiny hamlet of Kumarakon in Kerala. Looking forward to 25 acres of lush land...more mosquito's Bub?
AND WERE THEY SERIOUS ABOUT THE 1ST DAY OF THE MONTH THEY CANNOT SERVE/SELL LIQUOR THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY? Yes Bocahita, I am afraid this is true. There are 5 states in India where no drinking is allowed AT ALL. The drinking age varies from 18-25. They also have no drinking days to include certain holidays, certain festival days and most of all VOTING DAYS. These folks mix it up on their voting days sober, can you imagine....
Buddha Bubs always enjoys the girls greeting him.
Looking like Mosquitoville to me Bubbs.
Give it a chance Bocahita.
Bubs is enjoying the view...
Lots of flora and fauna around here. But what will Bochahita do???
A view of Lake Okeechobee, no no no, I mean Lake Vembanad- a very popular tourist destination.
And there is our little cabin in the woods, so to speak....
Let's check out our Villa Bocahita..
Oh joy another pool. It snakes around the other villas. Perfect. So now everyone can see my thong.
Open Sesame....
What do you mean the bathroom is outside?
You want the Bocahita to shower so the birds can watch her? And where is all that water draining to? Am I going to drink it later?
Now just a darn minute. The toilette is out there too? I know my German friend GiGi WILL NOT BE DOING THIS!
And as predicted....NO RUSTIC VILLA FOR GIGI. GIGI-you're my hero!
Back to back resorts? Way too hot for the Bocahita and Bubbs- makes south Florida in the summer feel a cool breeze. I think Bocahita is just po'd this is the first day of the month.