Monday, March 5, 2012


AFTER THE FLIGHT BEING DELAYED OR WAS IT CANCELED OR WAS IT- getting used to cha cha cha changes we flew to Mumbai- the economic powerhouse of India!  It is the capital of Maharashtra with over 19 million people- from homeless pavement dwellers to billionaire tycoons.  Talk about a megalopolis...yes the city, formerly Bombay,  has now reverted to its historic name-Mumbai, from Muba Devi, the eight-armed goddess worshipped by the Koli fishermen who were the islands original inhabitants.  Skyscrapers, Victorian buildings, bazaars, glittering shopping malls and many sprawling slums.  Hello, Slum Dog Millionaire- a whole lot of Bollywood going on.

Come on Buddha Bubs get that carry on carried on.  What?  It's gotten a lot heavier?  And the Bocahita buys heavy tschokes because?  I thought she only liked those very small packages.....   No Annie she does less damage when she goes for the tschokes.  Never mind me lugging that stuff all around.
Originally Mumbai was an archipelago of 7 fishing islands now tied together in to one biggee.   Mumbai slum shacks line the expressway.
Mumbai traffic madness...the guy in the back of the truck has the right idea!
 And there are signs of the fisher people and their shacks close to the water and along the expressway.  Amazing they are still allowed to live in these conditions on such valuable real estate.
Hey, that looks like Hotel laundry?  Yes it is Bocahita.  Would you like us to stop the bus so you can have a look see?  Why not.  Let's just stop the bus on the bridge and get out and take a look only adding to the traffic mayhem.
Quite an operation of washing and about a hand laundry.  The Dhobi's pick up and delivery by bicycle with a zero defect in delivery- no mix up of articles while washing over 200,000 items EVERY DAY!

The laundry is spread over 23 acres.

The "wash machine" is the cement square where they beat the laundry clean...where are the over flowing drains draining???

Maybe standing on it helps the process?  What do they do during monsoon season?  It was mind boggling the sheer logistics of this huge operation right in the middle of a super slum.

Mumbai is a long, narrow, promontory jutting into the Arabian Sea- covering 166 sq miles- also known as the "City of Gold".  We do a mini tour of the hood on the way to the Oberoi.
Mumbai's most famous landmark, the Gateway of India was the first sight to greet travellers to Indian shores during the heyday of the British Raj and ironically became the exit point for the British troops when Indian gained it's independence (remember0 1947 the year Buddha Bubs was born).  It was initially built to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary in 1911 but much like building in South Florida the project didn't get complete until 1924 and they put up a mock Gateway made of cardboard and pastiche!  Marci, how's that for being behind schedule!

Hello Bombay University-tough to get in.

Prince of Wales Museum, known for superb sculptures and miniature paintings-formally completed in 1923.

Mumbai Stock Exchange-their Wall Street.  The presence of 50 banks on the street keeps the place buzzing as India's financial epicentre.

Victoria Terminus renamed Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus) is an incredible example of Victorian Gothic Architecture. Completed in 1888 and still going strong and designated a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE.   This is one very busy train station.

Mumbai Biz Tycoons are the new Maharaj of India today.  Ant this 27 floor personal residence proves it-the personal home fo Mukesh Ambani, Chairman of Reliance Corp.  This 400,000 square foot home was designed by Chicago Architects, Perkins and Will.  There is parking for 168 vehicles, 9 elevators, 3 helipads, a theater, a yoga studio, swimming pool and ballroom of course.  Speculated to have cost between $1-2 BILLION US DOLLARS TO BUILD!  It takes a staff of 700 plus to maintain the homestead...looks like the Taj Mahjal of the 21st Century to ol'Bocahita.  Can we a say over the top!

Buddha Bubs always enjoys the Indian meet and greet and now is getting the full Bindi.  Oh Mr. Collins, Mrs. Collins reputation has preceded her so we are on alert to make sure of a smooth stay with us.  Bocahita is a bit nervous remembering 26/11 the Mumbai Terrorist attacks killing 164 people and wounding 308.  This hotel was a virtual killing zone- 36 guests were taken hostage and killed right here.  It was the first of 10 targets that day when a Pakistan based terror group (young guys in t shirts and jeans) played hell on this town. The Oberoi was severally damaged closed, renovated to the tune of $45 million dollars and reopened in April of 2010.  They went from 15 security cameras to 150 and 10 guards to 50.

The city was renamed Bombay in 1996 and is the current commercial and entrepreneur capital of India.  The wealthy Mumbai'ers pay 40% of the country's taxes.  How's that for spreading the wealth and the richest city in India.

The hotel was not full so they upgraded our rooms to oh so very modern and hip suites.  They had heard the Bocahita always asked for an upgrade so they figured they would beat her to the punch and just say yes from the get go.  Way to go Oberoi.  Your service really is outstanding and you have spoiled the Bocahita to not  be able to do a Bates Motel on the Bubbs/Boca road trips anymore.  Oh joy grumbled the Bubbs.

Bubbs was happy to find 3 TV's so no more remote bickering.
And Bocahita was happy to know that all her bathing would be on display.   Get that tub going Bubs and the room service rolling.  And don't forget a bottle of that  Indian wine you keep ordering me-my honey the connoisseur.  More Chillin to the Chardonnay.