After snagging some tickets to check out the TALLEST BUILDING IN THE World,THE BURJ KHALIFA, we head over to the OTHER Burj. The completion of the Burj coincided with the global financial crisis (2007-2010) and due to the bailout of the Burj by big brother Abu Dhabi the tower was renamed to Burj Khalifa to honor UAE President Khalifa bin Ayed. The building was designed by the Chicago architectural firm- Skidmore, Owing and Merill to the tune of $1.5 Billion in cost. Construction started in 2004 and was completed in 2009 with a grand opening in 2010. Over 160 stories- 900 apartments of which not much over 75 have sold. The complex includes, the mall, restaurants, hotels, condos, offices and more.
Come on Bubbs, another gorgeous day in Dubai.
The venue was brilliantly designed and of course ultra modern and high tech to move all of us visitors through smoothly. In 2011 over 54 million visitors checked out this complex.
A view from the top looking down on the fountain.
the ocean, the expressway and other sky scrappers.....
and many Arabs throughout the region are included in the tourist category....Hey Mohammed, isn't this the spot Tom Cruise scaled the building in the 4th Mission Impossible movie?
Bocahita tries to convince Bubbs when in Rome....we need to get the matching outfit Bubbs. Yes my darling Bocahita, you have the starter kit going on...all you need is the babushaka.
There are 23,349 windows and a window washer system on floors 40, 73 and 109. It takes 36 workers 4 months to clean the facade.
Yes, that's the fabulous fountain....designed by the California firm who also designed the Bellagio/Las Vegas Hotel fountain. 6600 lights and lots of shooting water.

Brilliantly designed...who knew out in the middle of the desert such a phenomenal complex.
Lots of great spots to have a drink or a bite...
We watched he waters dance while enjoying a delicious lunch on patio...we have been oh so lucky with such fabulous weather. No summer time visit for the Boca as she heard it gets up to 120...but its a dry heat.
Hence the need for the world's only air-conditioned bus stops!
Come on Bocahita, stay close as I want to keep tabs on that Am X card.
Men diving sculptures on a water fall in the mall...
Bubs enjoys the 2 story Mall Aquarium...
Being a tax free haven- this truly is a shopping mecca. This is the WORLDS LARGEST MALL people! Over 1200 stores, 160 Food and Beverage venues, an ice rink of Olympic proportions.
There is a children's wing- loaded with kiddie designer shops...
where do the hand me downs go??
all good to go for future Sheiks and Queens....
price tags matching their mom's hidden designer duds...
And the ladies shop on....Burqa: a body covering, head covering and a face veil. Why do they wear those curtains but underneath all the designer duds, designer sunglasses, loads of make up and the requisite designer hand bag? Actually, the Burqa started well before Islam started- in Persia 200 AD. I know some of my favorite people- my dear Nun friends wear a Habit but in today's world even most of them have gone lay dress. Is the Burqu a sign of servitude and degradation? Are they suffocating under there in the desert sun?
and on...the original idea was to draw attention away form the woman but in today's world isn't it the opposite?
And maybe just this one time I might agree with the French....
My point precisely....
Bocahita meets a visitor from Kuwait....former Chair of the Bank of Kuwait and many other ventures....his wife and daughter were shopping. This 88 year old man had a stroke last year and had trouble speaking but not to worry- Bocahita did enough for the both of them. He so enjoyed her fun chat that HE ASKED FOR A PICTURE. Apparently he must have heard about the BOCAHITA.
And out to the desert for a little sand madness. Bocahita had visions of Lawrence of Arabia...not so much. We meet up at cousin Mohamed's Tourist Trap....Annie you are wearing your Giuseppe mules out to the desert? Good point Bocahita, maybe I'll pick up these $2.00 rubber tongs that they are selling for $40.

and it's all Bocahita can do to resist the salt and pepper shakers...

Ah, RED BULL. Annie is teaching the Bocahita how to drink Red Bull....yes Boca, drink Red Bull all day, eat an apple and fill yourself up with water. How do you think I look like this!

The crowds and flotillas of four-wheel drives equated to a busy and noisy place. The 45 min ride in a SUV up and over the dunes had Bocahita not only nauseous but more white knuckling as the SUV slip slid up and down the dunes....45 mins felt like a 6 hour car ride.
Oh yes, Bocahita just loved this adventure...while turning green.
ok who farted in the back seat!!
Bocahita rolling down the window to get some air...not a good idea Boca.
Annie and Bubs laugh at the Bocahita's experience of the ride...
Lot's of sand out here....
Then down to the tacky desert "camp" for bbq, entertainment and some "authentic style" fun....Annie and Boca get into the theme.
Bocahita tries the Hookah Pookah....cough cough cough. Wine please.
Annie does one more henna and has fun with the Falcon...
ok the entertainment begins....more whirling dervish.
And Bubbs is chosen by the excellent Belly Dancer to have a lesson or two..
Who knew the Bubs could get down on his Titanium knees...
7 hours of hokey pokey tacky tourist madness...check that off the list for not again. NO NO NO. YES YES YES FOR THE RUSSIANS. A second night of cheesy tacky not so fun for the Bocahita....who signed us up for this one???
At least Bubs tried to make lemonade out of the bushel of lemons. You go Bubs!
After snagging some tickets to check out the TALLEST BUILDING IN THE World,THE BURJ KHALIFA, we head over to the OTHER Burj. The completion of the Burj coincided with the global financial crisis (2007-2010) and due to the bailout of the Burj by big brother Abu Dhabi the tower was renamed to Burj Khalifa to honor UAE President Khalifa bin Ayed. The building was designed by the Chicago architectural firm- Skidmore, Owing and Merill to the tune of $1.5 Billion in cost. Construction started in 2004 and was completed in 2009 with a grand opening in 2010. Over 160 stories- 900 apartments of which not much over 75 have sold. The complex includes, the mall, restaurants, hotels, condos, offices and more.
Come on Bubbs, another gorgeous day in Dubai.
The venue was brilliantly designed and of course ultra modern and high tech to move all of us visitors through smoothly. In 2011 over 54 million visitors checked out this complex.
A view from the top looking down on the fountain.
the ocean, the expressway and other sky scrappers.....
and many Arabs throughout the region are included in the tourist category....Hey Mohammed, isn't this the spot Tom Cruise scaled the building in the 4th Mission Impossible movie?
Bocahita tries to convince Bubbs when in Rome....we need to get the matching outfit Bubbs. Yes my darling Bocahita, you have the starter kit going on...all you need is the babushaka.
There are 23,349 windows and a window washer system on floors 40, 73 and 109. It takes 36 workers 4 months to clean the facade.
Yes, that's the fabulous fountain....designed by the California firm who also designed the Bellagio/Las Vegas Hotel fountain. 6600 lights and lots of shooting water.

Brilliantly designed...who knew out in the middle of the desert such a phenomenal complex.
Lots of great spots to have a drink or a bite...
We watched he waters dance while enjoying a delicious lunch on patio...we have been oh so lucky with such fabulous weather. No summer time visit for the Boca as she heard it gets up to 120...but its a dry heat.
Hence the need for the world's only air-conditioned bus stops!
Come on Bocahita, stay close as I want to keep tabs on that Am X card.
Men diving sculptures on a water fall in the mall...
Bubs enjoys the 2 story Mall Aquarium...
Being a tax free haven- this truly is a shopping mecca. This is the WORLDS LARGEST MALL people! Over 1200 stores, 160 Food and Beverage venues, an ice rink of Olympic proportions.
There is a children's wing- loaded with kiddie designer shops...
where do the hand me downs go??
all good to go for future Sheiks and Queens....
price tags matching their mom's hidden designer duds...
And the ladies shop on....Burqa: a body covering, head covering and a face veil. Why do they wear those curtains but underneath all the designer duds, designer sunglasses, loads of make up and the requisite designer hand bag? Actually, the Burqa started well before Islam started- in Persia 200 AD. I know some of my favorite people- my dear Nun friends wear a Habit but in today's world even most of them have gone lay dress. Is the Burqu a sign of servitude and degradation? Are they suffocating under there in the desert sun?
and on...the original idea was to draw attention away form the woman but in today's world isn't it the opposite?
And maybe just this one time I might agree with the French....
My point precisely....
And out to the desert for a little sand madness. Bocahita had visions of Lawrence of Arabia...not so much. We meet up at cousin Mohamed's Tourist Trap....Annie you are wearing your Giuseppe mules out to the desert? Good point Bocahita, maybe I'll pick up these $2.00 rubber tongs that they are selling for $40.
and it's all Bocahita can do to resist the salt and pepper shakers...

Ah, RED BULL. Annie is teaching the Bocahita how to drink Red Bull....yes Boca, drink Red Bull all day, eat an apple and fill yourself up with water. How do you think I look like this!
The crowds and flotillas of four-wheel drives equated to a busy and noisy place. The 45 min ride in a SUV up and over the dunes had Bocahita not only nauseous but more white knuckling as the SUV slip slid up and down the dunes....45 mins felt like a 6 hour car ride.
Oh yes, Bocahita just loved this adventure...while turning green.
ok who farted in the back seat!!
Bocahita rolling down the window to get some air...not a good idea Boca.
Annie and Bubs laugh at the Bocahita's experience of the ride...
Lot's of sand out here....
Then down to the tacky desert "camp" for bbq, entertainment and some "authentic style" fun....Annie and Boca get into the theme.
Bocahita tries the Hookah Pookah....cough cough cough. Wine please.
Annie does one more henna and has fun with the Falcon...
ok the entertainment begins....more whirling dervish.
And Bubbs is chosen by the excellent Belly Dancer to have a lesson or two..
Who knew the Bubs could get down on his Titanium knees...
7 hours of hokey pokey tacky tourist madness...check that off the list for not again. NO NO NO. YES YES YES FOR THE RUSSIANS. A second night of cheesy tacky not so fun for the Bocahita....who signed us up for this one???
At least Bubs tried to make lemonade out of the bushel of lemons. You go Bubs!