Air India flight canceled so we rebook and pay another airline and up at 4:00 am to grab a flight to Dubai. The drive to the airport was death defying in that our little old driver did not believe in stopping AT ANY RED LIGHTS. He just beeped his way through 300 of them. Bocahita calmly asked if he noticed the lights were red. He explained that the beeping counted for acknowledging the traffic light being red giving him the go ahead. While Boca white knuckled it Buddha Bubs rode shot gun and thought it was a hoot. He did get us there in one piece and up up and away to some of that turbulence over the sea forcing Boca to do the cling, clutch to Buddhas Bubs arm. Remember no alcohol on their flights....
Talk about the antithesis of Mumbai....
Upon arrival my first view of Dubai was mirage-like- giant sky scrappers piercing the sky. Passing through the airport serves as a metaphor for the entire city-state....clean, modern and efficient. Hey why are all those folks lined up for an EYE SCAN at the immigration area? But not us??? They must want to check the worker bee's to make sure they are not bringing back any diseases. Ah, not quite Bocahita. This equipment does the work of a finger print and it tells the Sheik who can come back in. Back in ? Yes to work. If you have been kicked out of the country for any reason you are NOT EVER ever allowed to return or work. Good system- they need to tell our U.S. Congress about this protocol and rule. Welcome to Dubai where everything seems over the top!
Check in at the Hyatt Regency-HAIL TO THE CHIEF and his brothers!
The current Sheik is Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoummoola into building a "country". Bubbs is very impressed as he had to guard many a "head of country" who blew through the country riches and resources and didn't share a thing. Hence over throwing, military coup and assassinations etc. The ol'Maktoum Clan did good!
The world's largest unmanned driverless fully activated metro opened in 2009. It was built by the Japanese to the tune of $7.6 Billion Bucks! Our good friend Lutz suggested we take a ride to experience the high tech ride and get a good view of the city. He was right!
How's that for a subway!
3 Classes of Riders: Gold (you are looking at it-you could eat off the floors), Woman and Children (there you go) and Silver (the rest of the gang). Per Buddha Bubs "clean, clean, super clean. This place is a culture shock after India".
This place is crane city!
Sky scrapper after sky scrapper... Bubbs thought he was going in circles cause he kept seeing so many sky scrappers.
I have heard 70% of the cranes have been standing there with no movement over the past few years- hello global recession.
What happened to all that investment money?

The Dubai Downturn occurred in 2009 when real estate prices dropped 50%, the local stock market dropped 75% and 50% plus of the real estate projects were either canceled or put on hold. Once a refuge of the global meltdown 2009 changed life in Dubai cutting short the ARABIAN ADVENTURE!
So who bailed them out? The UAE of course- big brother Abu Dahbi who is still oil rich. It's good to have rich relatives that you get along with.
And a stop off at the Emirates "Mini" Mall....only a billion square ft compared to....well more about that later...Bocahita so wanted to fit in with the Bur qua Barbies and Bur qua Bubba's. Buddha Bubs said I already had the "starter kit" ensemble....all I needed was the headpiece. Well alrighty then. Game on!
Air India flight canceled so we rebook and pay another airline and up at 4:00 am to grab a flight to Dubai. The drive to the airport was death defying in that our little old driver did not believe in stopping AT ANY RED LIGHTS. He just beeped his way through 300 of them. Bocahita calmly asked if he noticed the lights were red. He explained that the beeping counted for acknowledging the traffic light being red giving him the go ahead. While Boca white knuckled it Buddha Bubs rode shot gun and thought it was a hoot. He did get us there in one piece and up up and away to some of that turbulence over the sea forcing Boca to do the cling, clutch to Buddhas Bubs arm. Remember no alcohol on their flights....
Talk about the antithesis of Mumbai....

PER WIKI: Dubai is an emirate in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A city within the emirate is also named Dubai. HELLO I LIVE IN DUBAI DUBAI. WELL I GUESS IT'S LIKE NEW YORK NEW YORK. The emirate is located south of the Persian Gulf on the Arabian Peninsula and has the largest population with the second-largest land territory by area of all the emirates, after Abu Dhabi. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are the only two emirates to have veto power over critical matters of national importance in the country's legislature.Dubai City is located on the emirate's northern coastline.
The earliest mention of Dubai is in 1095, and the earliest settlement known as Dubai town dates from 1799. Dubai was formally established in 1833 by Sheikh Maktoum bin Buti al Maktoum when he persuaded 800 members of the Bani Yas tribe, living in what is now part of Saudi Arabia, to follow him to the Dubai Creek by the Al Abu Falasa clan of Bani Yas. It remained under clan control when the United Kingdom assumed the protection of Dubai in 1892. Its geographical location made it an important trading hub and by the beginning of the 20th century, it was an important port.
In 1966, oil was discovered, Dubai and the emirate of Qatar set up a new monetary unit to replace the Gulf Rupee. The oil economy led to a massive influx of foreign workers, quickly expanding the city by 300% and bringing in international oil interests. The modern emirate of Dubai was created after the UK left the area in 1971. At this time Dubai, together with Abu Dhabi and four other emirates, formed the United Arab Emirates. The following year Ras al Khaimah joined the federation while Qatar and Bahrain chose to remain independent nations. In 1973, the monetary union with Qatar was dissolved and the UAE Dirham introduced throughout the UAE. A free trade zone was built around the Jebel Ali port in 1979, allowing foreign companies unrestricted import of labor and export capital.
The Gulf War of 1990 had a negative financial effect on the city, as depositors withdrew their money and traders withdrew their trade, but subsequently the city recovered in a changing political climate and thrived.
The same street 2003.

The same street 2003.
Today, Dubai City has emerged as a global city and a business hub. Although Dubai's economy was built on the oil industry, the emirate's model of business drives its economy, with the effect that its main revenues are now from tourism, real estate, and financial services, similar to that of Western countries. Dubai has recently attracted world attention through many innovative large construction projects and sports events. This increased attention has highlighted labour rights and human rights issues concerning its largely South Asian workforce.
Dubai's property market experienced a major deterioration in 2008 and 2009 as a result of the worldwide economic downturn following the financial crisis of 2007–2010. This place is crane city- they say 25% of the worlds cranes are here. Sure looks like it.
Almost half of the population of Dubai comprises Indians. As a matter of fact, some 80% of Dubai's residents are expats (non citizens) including the business people who came to ride the construction, finance and tourist boom and thousands of Indians, Pakistanis and Filipino's and other Asians who fill the emirate's administration and manual construction needs. No matter how long they live here or even have their kids born here they cannot become citizens. The good news is that they are not taxed- the bad news is they cannot voter or really have a say in anything....after all the country is run as a family business. Talk about contracting your labor force. Wow!
Dubai's property market experienced a major deterioration in 2008 and 2009 as a result of the worldwide economic downturn following the financial crisis of 2007–2010. This place is crane city- they say 25% of the worlds cranes are here. Sure looks like it.
Almost half of the population of Dubai comprises Indians. As a matter of fact, some 80% of Dubai's residents are expats (non citizens) including the business people who came to ride the construction, finance and tourist boom and thousands of Indians, Pakistanis and Filipino's and other Asians who fill the emirate's administration and manual construction needs. No matter how long they live here or even have their kids born here they cannot become citizens. The good news is that they are not taxed- the bad news is they cannot voter or really have a say in anything....after all the country is run as a family business. Talk about contracting your labor force. Wow!
Check in at the Hyatt Regency-HAIL TO THE CHIEF and his brothers!
The current Sheik is Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoummoola into building a "country". Bubbs is very impressed as he had to guard many a "head of country" who blew through the country riches and resources and didn't share a thing. Hence over throwing, military coup and assassinations etc. The ol'Maktoum Clan did good!
The world's largest unmanned driverless fully activated metro opened in 2009. It was built by the Japanese to the tune of $7.6 Billion Bucks! Our good friend Lutz suggested we take a ride to experience the high tech ride and get a good view of the city. He was right!
How's that for a subway!
3 Classes of Riders: Gold (you are looking at it-you could eat off the floors), Woman and Children (there you go) and Silver (the rest of the gang). Per Buddha Bubs "clean, clean, super clean. This place is a culture shock after India".
This place is crane city!
Sky scrapper after sky scrapper... Bubbs thought he was going in circles cause he kept seeing so many sky scrappers.
I have heard 70% of the cranes have been standing there with no movement over the past few years- hello global recession.
What happened to all that investment money?
The Dubai Downturn occurred in 2009 when real estate prices dropped 50%, the local stock market dropped 75% and 50% plus of the real estate projects were either canceled or put on hold. Once a refuge of the global meltdown 2009 changed life in Dubai cutting short the ARABIAN ADVENTURE!
So who bailed them out? The UAE of course- big brother Abu Dahbi who is still oil rich. It's good to have rich relatives that you get along with.
And a stop off at the Emirates "Mini" Mall....only a billion square ft compared to....well more about that later...Bocahita so wanted to fit in with the Bur qua Barbies and Bur qua Bubba's. Buddha Bubs said I already had the "starter kit" ensemble....all I needed was the headpiece. Well alrighty then. Game on!