"There are no foreign lands. It is the traveler that is foreign."
Robert Louis Stevenson.
A lot to absorb about the trip of extremes. Our travel allowed us the chance to explore outside our day to day. Do we travel to escape? learn? explore? fulfill a duty? And for Buddha Bubs the separation from his day to day creates a greater appreciation for home-the good ol'US of A!
I continue to be amazed by and most grateful for the lessons I learn through travel. I hit my 100th country visited in Abu Dhabi. I know my mind was broadened and my dignity humbled. I hope I came home a better world citizen. I appreciated the people I met along the way and I hope I represented myself and my country in a caring and proper manner- well maybe not proper but certainly in a kind and loving manner. I enjoyed getting close to the people- their customs, their beliefs and their food. For those who arm chair traveled with us, we appreciated your company and well wishes.
I assure you NO ONE ELSE ON THE PLANET could have convinced Bubba to buy and now "bringing to life what is dead"- TIBETAN SINGING BOWLS. Way to go!
Your upbeat and open minded persona was appreciated- thank you Annie's family for sending her to join us!
“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it.” – John Steinbeck
Some travel lessons gleaned on this journey:
1. Learn more about the country/religion/politics/history before you go. I do buy the DVD's and books but just can't get around to reading/watching all of them pre trip which would make for a more meaningful experience having already had the background details prior to arrival. Making listening to the tour guide and enjoying the moment real time.
2. Pack less. Bubbs and Boca reduced our load by 50% and could take it down another 20% which made for a lot easier moving around but also wearing the same clothes over and over. As Bubs pointed out- what difference does it make Bocahita- it's always black for you. Between Sister Nektaria and the Burqua Barbies- YOU FIT!
4. Buy less souvenirs- how many scarfs from around the world does a gal need? And do your friends really want that tschocke you brought back for them?? You won't have to worry about packing so it doesn't break, or it will get ripped off from the luggage (like Annie's Regent World Cruise Jacket!), or your suitcase will be "over weight" or YOU HAVE TO LIE TO CUSTOMS ABOUT WHAT YOU DIDN'T BUY!
5. Drink more water....make sure it's bottled and keep guzzling.
6. Drink more vodka to kill the germs.
7. Close your mouth in the shower...that water thing again.
9. Reduce the make up bag stuff....I learned I didn't need 5 kinds of mascara and 4 kinds of foundation.
10. Leave the guidebooks at home- they are heavy and you can look up on your IPad what you need to...and speaking of IPads leave the Mac Pro home too....if possible and you don't write a blog! As well as forget the hard back books you have been meaning to read the past 6 months. Will rethink that Kindle idea again...you know the one we tried last year and ended up giving to our dear friend Karen- who was smart enough to "get it". Hey Bubs, can't you download on that IPad?
11. Increase your tolerance and patience level....now this one is more of a goal for ol'bocahita. Either this or increase the vodka again.
Travel can inspire us in many ways and for me I get to be a citizen of the world (no Bubbs, this does not translate into me changing Political parties) for a short time while renewing, refreshing and being inspired. I was inspired to make a difference through my meeting of Sister Nektaria. It is interesting what travel inspiration can transform us into...I am hoping it is contagious.
Over the past year my birthday girls and I have been thinking about how we will celebrate this birthday milestone- back to Las Vegas? NYC? Outward Bound Trip? South of France? Nothing seemed to quite capture what would best mark this milestone. Then, I met Sister Nektaria in Calcutta. I will be going back to Calcutta to celebrate my birthday with Sister and the children. My plan is to stay for a month or so and jump in at the orphanage to lend a hand or maybe two. I cannot think of a more glorious way to celebrate Bocahita's Big Birthday! For all of you who are thinking about what you might want to do for me (or to me) this year, may I ask you for a special birthday gift this year? If you find it in your heart, make a check out (you know it is tax deductible) to the St. Basil Orphanage or you can donate on line so Sister can continue her work and that her LEGACY can live on.

No amount is too small; even the smallest amount can make a huge impact these beautiful children. I am also happy to take your check and make sure it gets to her. Most importantly, all the funds go straight to Sister's Orphanage. There is zero admin cost in your donation so rest assured ol'Boca will follow through for you.
A final thought to everyone's adventurous side, JOIN ME! I invite you to come with me. Maybe not for a month but a week or two? I guarantee the experience will have an impact on YOUR LIFE. I thank you in advance for your heartfelt generosity and kindness. I promise it will make an impact on the life of these children.
www.thepsoc.org ----- for Sisters Web Site and Info
and have you had a chance to watch THE LUCKY GIRLS MOVIE?
WWW.LUCKYGIRLS.COM - check it out
Donate via PayPal
For Donations within the United States
Donate via Check
You can also send a check, made payable to the St. Basil Orphanage Fund: this is a 501C3 organization set up in the USA to collect funds for the Orphanages which enables you to get your tax deduction.
St. Basil Orphanage Fund
6430 Bose Lane
San Jose, CA 95120
6430 Bose Lane
San Jose, CA 95120